How to Support Your Staff During a Pandemic

We’re currently battling through an extraordinarily difficult time. In addition to major health concerns there’s plenty more to worry about – job security, finances, kids education, to name but a few.

Work still needs to go on, wherever possible, but in addition to all the concerns of the moment, everyone must get to grips with completely new methods of operating. Even on a good day changes in working practices are often challenging, and I think we can agree that today isn’t a good day.

And yet, there is a way forward. New procedures can work and people can adapt and support each other while they’re doing it. Here’s how…

Keeping Safe On-Site

Your business may require staff to be physically present, but there are plenty of ways to keep the workplace safe and don’t forget, you have a duty of care to do so.

  • Social distancing – it’s in everyone’s interest so enforce this rigorously.
  • Provide masks and gloves – for additional protection and peace of mind.
  • Maintain good hygiene with soap or sanitiser in washrooms, staff rooms, canteens, kitchens and work areas.
  • Clean EVERYWHERE regularly and not just the obvious places like toilets and kitchens. Don’t forget site equipment, keyboards, light switches, door handles, tables, chairs and anywhere you can think of.
  • Don’t just leave it to your cleaning staff; all employees must sanitise as they go, wherever possible.

Working From Home

Wherever possible staff should work from home and employers can adopt several measures to help this run smoothly.

  • Make sure everyone is familiar with the necessary technology for remote working; provide clear instructions perhaps by email or ensure an IT person is available to assist.
  • Get teams/departments together regularly, daily or several times a week on a video conferencing platform; Google Docs, Zoom, Microsoft Teams are just some of those available. It’ll keep everyone on track and provide support and encouragement, which is just as vital to keep the business going as doing the work.
  • Keep to the timetable. Don’t be tempted to contact staff out of hours – it adds to the stress and no one needs that right now.

Communicate Constantly

Managers and staff alike need extra guidance and reassurance at this time. How will their salary be affected, what if they need time off to help with home schooling, how will sick pay work if they’re ill, what if they need to nurse a sick family member?

It’s a long list and everyone needs to know where to find the answers. They also need to know that employers are working with them to find ways to help to cope, so the daily/weekly team briefing is doubly important. It may also help to send out regular emails or put up prominent posters on-site to keep everyone on track regarding hygiene, social distancing and financial matters.

And, depending on the size of your company, you can just pick up the phone and call someone. The human touch is important, especially now.

Of course, the situation is constantly changing. Employers won’t be able to answer every question or help in every circumstance. You still need to keep in touch though because your support is invaluable right now and will be remembered when this is all over.

Be Safe Technologies: A Helping Hand in Difficult Times

Managing health and safety issues has never been more important and doing it quickly and easily is essential – particularly now.

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We’re here to support you during these difficult times.
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