Health and Safety: It’s Easier Than You Think

Implementing and following the correct health and safety procedures can be a major chore, even though it’s essential. Employees often perceive this as complicated and always time-consuming. It’s also tricky to keep up, as regulations are constantly changing.

Fortunately, it’s easier to get everyone involved than you think. Be Safe’s innovative and intuitive app helps everyone to work safely and with full compliance, whether on-site, in the office or in the factory.

By using the right technology and fully engaging your workforce in the process, your workplace will run smoothly and your employees will feel a valued part of the business. However, even the best technology is only as good as the people using it, so here are a few tips to help everyone to get on board.

Start at the Top

Directors, managers and supervisors, indeed all senior staff, need to be involved and leading by example. This isn’t something that just applies to the workforce at the sharp end – it must be a companywide attitude that’s the responsibility of everyone. A top-down approach makes health and safety matters a visible part of company culture and encourages employees to take it seriously, as they know everyone is participating, not just talking the talk.

Always Have a Plan

Ensure everyone knows the rules and procedures right from the start. [A thorough induction process]( should always be followed for new employees and tailored to their role. In this way, everyone knows what’s required of them from the outset. It also makes it clear that each employee is an integral and valued member of the team.

Include Everyone

Whether your staff are permanent or transient, full or part-time, and whatever their responsibilities, they all need to feel included in health and safety issues. Don’t forget the value of face-to-face conversations and encourage feedback from all levels of the workforce. Be prepared to act on that feedback if it’s appropriate, and if it isn’t make sure the reasons are explained in a clear and non-judgemental way. Some personal interacting shows you value the welfare of your staff and they, in turn, will be more committed to maintaining the health and safety measures you’ve put in place.

Offer Incentives

Encourage people to play an active part in the company’s good health. Perhaps offer [first aid training]( for individuals or provide opportunities to become fire wardens.

Review Regularly

Even with a good system in place and all staff on-board, you can’t be complacent. Regulations are constantly changing and new risks can arise at any time, so procedures may need reviewing. The Be-Safe app can update everyone at once, so it’s quick and easy to keep everyone informed.

Keeping Everyone in the Loop Has Huge Benefits

By increasing risk awareness you’ll be able to control risk much more efficiently – and anything that keeps the accident rate low is a good idea. However, this goes way beyond health and safety. When employees know their input is integral to the wellbeing of the company they’ll be more committed, productive and loyal. That results in a high performing business and everyone benefits.

Be-Safe Technologies – an Integral Part of Your Company Culture

Our cloud-based solution is quick and intuitive. It allows everyone to manage all health and safety requirements with one integrated platform, and ensures you comply with the correct regulations. Contact Be-Safe Technologies today to find out how we can help.

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The award-winning Compliance Genie - to digitise all of your Health & Safety processes - or the software platform The Contractor Genie - that helps you manage all of your contractors and their site visits in one place?